In this episode of HLO, Chad and Jason pull back the curtain for frank discussion on how the current state of US politics is affecting the direction of the podcast and how embracing a theme of #hopepunk might be a viable way to help us navigate our uncertain future.
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#HopePunk links and resources –
Great article on the origins and background in this Vox article.
The brilliant David Byrne created this newsletter/website called “Reasons to be Cheerful” as a “tonic for tumultuous times.”
Cory Doctorow reads his essay “Disasters Don’t Have to End In Dystopias”
Just listening to you both discussing this topic calmly and admitting that we are all there with you is soothing . Off to bed to dream of Hope Punk/pink. whatever that is . thanks for your time and expressions. Music works best for me.
Thank you, Libby!
Shout out to our #1 HLO superfan!
Really excited about the new direction, and am immediatly going into listening to Ep17.
Hey Canageek!
Glad you like our current heading.
Hope you enjoy Ep 17.